If you have been injured or became ill while performing work as an employee, you may be eligible for workers’ compensation. It is important to know your rights to be sure you receive the appropriate medical care and compensation due to you.
Workplace injuries can be very complex and range from simple injuries that heal in a few weeks to devastating ones that may never resolve. No matter where you fall on this spectrum, We can help you determine what needs to be done to protect your rights and help you get what you deserve.
Experienced Workers Compensation Lawyers
Our attorneys have years of experience to help determine if your injury meets the eligibility requirements for Massachusetts’ workers’ compensation.
Work-Related Injuries
- Single Accident
- Long-term Injury
- Stress-related Illness
- Disease or Illness Due to Various Exposures
- Aggravation of a Pre-existing Injury or Condition
The Workers’ Compensation Process
The claims and appeal process can be daunting. There are steps you need to take to successfully file a claim.
- Notify your employer. It is important to document your injury in person or in writing right away.
- File a workers compensation claim. Our skilled attorneys are valuable advocates in this process.
- Comply with your insurance carrier or employer to investigate and validate your claim. Much of the “heavy lifting” happens during this phase. If your claim is accepted, you begin receiving monetary and medical benefits.
- Undergo a new doctor evaluation once you obtain maximum medical improvement (MMI). It is essential that you receive proper evaluation during this step to determine current and future benefits. It’s wise to have an advocate on your side, rather than rely on your employer’s insurance carrier to make this determination.
- Appeal your claim if it’s denied. Let our attorneys represent you before the Workers’ Compensation Appeals Board. We have the knowledge and experience to advocate for your rights before the judges.
How We Can Help
Our skilled attorneys will guide you through the procedures to ensure compliance with the applicable Massachusetts’ workers’ compensation laws. We will fight for you every step of the way to help you achieve the best possible outcome.
When you are injured or ill, dealing with the applicable laws to obtain much needed medical treatment can be overwhelming. This is where we come in. Our office advocates for your rights to medical care and attention. Attaining quality care for your workplace injury or illness is paramount. Early diagnoses and treatment is an essential step on your road to recovery.
A workplace injury can have a devastating impact on you and your family. You are worried about your job, money, health and family obligations. We understand what you are going through. Our office is dedicated to helping you through this traumatic experience. We serve as your advocate, your guide and your support. We are committed to maintaining a close relationship with you and ensuring that you are kept abreast of everything going on throughout your claim. To further alleviate the strain of this stressful experience, we do not charge upfront fees. We will NOT charge you if we do not obtain any form of settlement for you. Rest assured, if you are looking for a worker’s compensation attorney in Framingham, Wayland, Natick or Massachusetts, you have come to the right place.
Want to discuss how we can provide this service to you? Or just want more information? Contact Attorney Kris Aleksov.